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Discussion Panel

Beyond Data and Analytics: Safeguarding Human Data in Tech-Driven Marketing

Although modern technologies like AI enhance the creativity behind the development of innovative marketing strategies, it is crucial to remember that beyond the use of technology is always the use of data: something that comes with its own risks. 

Today’s marketers seem to have unlimited access to consumer data. While using this wealth of data could be insightful for companies, it also comes with a huge responsibility to use this data ethically and safely. After all, behind all the data that is collected and used, there are real people with real concerns. 

The use of data thus comes with great challenges: respecting privacy, fostering trust and ensuring data security in all marketing endeavors. Companies are therefore encouraged to not only harness cutting-edge technologies, but also to adhere to the moral obligation to protect and respect the individuals who entrust their information to them. 

During this panel discussion, there will be a talk about how to strike the right balance between technological advancement while preserving the trust of their audience. Critical questions will be asked to uncover how companies nowadays maintain the integrity of consumer data when employing technology in their marketing strategies.