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MARUG Marketing Conference

Each year the MARUG Marketing Conference takes place. During this day students and companies whom are interested in marketing meet to exchange ideas and study interesting cases about marketing and the theme of the day. On the 12th of March 2024, we welcome students and professionals again at the largest student Marketing Conference of the Netherlands!

During the conference both the practical and academic aspects of the theme will be discussed based on lectures and workshops. These will be offered by a wide range of inspiring companies. There are also multiple recruitment moments in the form of a lunch or business date to connect students with companies. It promises to be a very interesting and especially inspiring day!

To keep the MARUG Conference accessible for everyone the conference will be held in English.


The Marketing Association Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (MARUG) is an interfacultary study association for students of Economy, Business, Communication or Psychology studies. The MARUG act as an intermediate between marketing as theory as well as in practice. The study association is founded in 1981 on the initiative of prof. dr. P.S.H. Leeflang, emeritus professor of Marketing at the faculty Economics and Business of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

The MARUG organizes activities and events that offer students the opportunity to connect with companies. Every year they bring students, speakers and companies together to inspire each other and get new insights at the MARUG Conferene.

Check the MARUG website for more information about the study association.